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Planning Board Meeting Minutes - 02/27/06

Board Members Present           Public Present
Heather Jones, Acting Chairman  William Burnett Sam Coplon              Dave Hollenbeck
Joseph Tracy                            Robert Patterson        Donald Walls            Matt Morehouse
Schofield (Sandy) Andrews               Marc Nighman    Carol Walls             Arthur Jacobs
Patti Reilly, alt. Acting Secretary     Jeffrey Allen           Michael Healy

Kim Keene, CEO; Hope Rowan, Planning Assistant; Darcel Winslow, Recording Secretary

I.      The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mrs. Jones.

II.     The verbatim minutes from the January 09, 2006 meeting were unanimously approved as submitted. (Reilly/Tracy)

III.    The draft minutes from the February 13, 2006 meeting were tabled until the next meeting due to lack of quorum for approval. (Tracy/Reilly)

IV.     Public Hearing
A.      NAME:  Robert Patterson/Sam Coplon, agent
SUBDIVISION NAME:  Patterson Hill Subdivision
LOCATION:  Route 102, Somesville
TAX MAP:  10  LOT:  192  ZONE:  RW2
PURPOSE: To subdivide approximately 30 acres into 12 lots.

        No conflict of interest was reported.  The regular members present are the voting members for this hearing.
        Site Inspection was attended by CEO Keene, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Andrews, Marc Nighman and Sam Coplon. It was reported by Sandy Andrews.
        Mr. Andrews described the lot as beautiful woods on Route 102, the group walked back to the cul-de-sac past one wetland.

        MOTION made by Mrs. Jones to approve the application seconded by Mr. Tracy.

        Sam Coplon, agent for Mr. Patterson then gave a short presentation describing the project process from beginning to present. He explained that he has been working on this project for several years with Mr. Burnett and Mr. Nighman. He described the property as being almost 30 acres just south of Somesville village. They are proposing 12 lots each consisting of about 2 acres in size. They invited to this meeting tonight, Jeff Allen from the Sewall Company to answer any questions the public or Board members may have.
        The proposed road goes in towards the southwest corner to almost the highest point on the property and some lots will have shared driveways. The placement of the road was explored in detail and it is in the best possible location. A 100’ foot no cut buffer along Route 102 is in place (utilities are the only exception) to minimize impact.
        Donna Healy addressed the Board and explained her concerns with the ecological impact this project has on the wetlands and vernal pools on the property. She explained that the DEP had promised her copies of their findings; she has never received them.
        Sam Coplon explained to Mrs. Healy that there are no vernal pools on this property and that the road does impact a small amount of wetlands but they have received DEP approval. A copy of this approval was given to Mrs. Healy.
        Mr. Allen, from the Sewall Company explained to Mrs. Healy that much research has gone into this project and the convoluted shape of the road was done purposely to avoid additional wetland impact.
        Mr. Healy then explained another concern they have regarding the blazing of trees. (He brought a piece of a tree the surveyors had hacked off) He asked Mr. Coplon and Mr. Allen, “If this is how the boundary is being marked, just how many trees do they plan to hack up”.
        Mr. Coplon stated he will speak to the surveyors and let them know they need to be more careful. He then went through the plan page by page for the Board and answered their questions.

        The Standards of Section 5 of the Subdivision Ordinance was reviewed and found to be in conformance, conditions are as follows,
        Road frontage needs CEO Keene’s approval
        Correct error on DEP approval letter to say 12 lots
        Waiver on final plat for performance bond
        Strike the word poultry in covenants document

        The Standards of Section 6 of the LUZO, as amended March 8, 2005, were reviewed and found to be in conformance with the above listed conditions.

        VOTE was made separately on each section as follows,
        Section 6.1             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.2             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.3             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.4             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.5             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.6             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.7             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.8             4-0             unanimous
        Section 6.9             4-0             unanimous
        The application was approved by unanimous vote with the above mentioned conditions.

IV.     Meeting adjourned at 8:05. p.m.  The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is at 6:00 p.m., Monday, March 27, 2006 in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor.